Spatial Labs Store, 8840 Washington Blvd #104, Culver City, CA 90232

Spatial Lab Store is Spatial Labs' first offline store located at Platform in Culver City, CA.
Here you are able to browse our first collection, Core, a clothing line imbedded with smart chip technology called Tag. By tapping the Tag with your smart devices, users gain access to Circle, a digital platform where they can personalize their clothing and share and follow other Core owners.

As the company's sole prototyper, I designed and fabricated the Tag Display Stand and the Core Collection packaging elements, as well as help design and scale vinyl and posters within the store.
01. Tag Display Stand
Tag is an NFC tag that gives users access to a customizable platform. In order to display it's customizable capabilities, we wanted to create an informative device that will allow users to interact and experience the power of Circle platform in-store.

Tag Display Stand

Core Collection
1. There was 2 months to design, prototype, and fabricate 5 Tag displays before the Spatial Labs Store opening.
2. We needed to create a mechanism where the fabric holding the Tag will stay secured for display.
3. We also had to ensure that both Android and iOS smart devices will connect to the tag with ease.
1. There was 2 months to design, prototype, and fabricate 5 Tag displays before the Spatial Labs Store opening.
2. We needed to create a mechanism where the fabric holding the Tag will stay secured for display.
3. We also had to ensure that both Android and iOS smart devices will connect to the tag with ease.
Solution 1
To streamline the design and production process, we decided to leverage existing products in the market for our Tag display. After evaluating several options with desirable features, we selected a MagSafe charger stand to not only supports the Tag display but also facilitates modular adjustments and adaptations
To streamline the design and production process, we decided to leverage existing products in the market for our Tag display. After evaluating several options with desirable features, we selected a MagSafe charger stand to not only supports the Tag display but also facilitates modular adjustments and adaptations

Solution 2
I drew inspiration from embroidery hoops to design a display that can hold the Tag securely. These hoops are designed to keep fabric taut and stable, allowing for precise and detailed work on the surface.
I drew inspiration from embroidery hoops to design a display that can hold the Tag securely. These hoops are designed to keep fabric taut and stable, allowing for precise and detailed work on the surface.
I successfully 3D-printed flat rings that held the material firmly in place. This solution ensured both stability and a polished appearance for the display.
Solution 3
One of the biggest concern we had was that Android and iOS have different NFC reader locations. To solve this issue, we implemented sticker NFCs, each programmed with the corresponding address for the designated Tags. This approach ensures reliable access to the Circle platform for all users, regardless of their device.

New Problem
After finalizing the preferred shape and size for the display, we opted to outsource a 3D printing service to manufacture the parts. This approach allowed us to select the most suitable material for our product while saving time by receiving professionally finished components.
After testing a few careful coats of matt spray paint, I successfully concealed the blemishes and maintained the original schedule. I applied the dry transfer graphics and completed the entire production process, delivering the finished product to the store on time.
Tag Display Disks on a jig piece, drying after a matte coating
Tag Display Base drying after a matte coating
Final Production
The 5 Tag displays were successfully prototyped and delivered to the store before the store opening. During the opening of the store, customers were able to walk in and scan the Tags on the display with ease and access the sample accounts we created on the Circle Platform.
The 5 Tag displays were successfully prototyped and delivered to the store before the store opening. During the opening of the store, customers were able to walk in and scan the Tags on the display with ease and access the sample accounts we created on the Circle Platform.

02. Core Collection Packaging
The Core Collection features five distinct colors (Arctic, Titanium, Carbon, Rust, Moss) across four styles: Sweater, Hoodie, Sweatpants, and Tee. For the packaging elements, we designed a bag to accommodate sizes ranging from S to XXL. Additionally, the collection required hang tags and neck labels that display clothing size, instructions for interacting with the tags, laundry care information, and more.

Core Collection Bag
We started by exploring various graphic design concepts for the bag. To accommodate sizes ranging from S to XXL, we evaluated and selected two bag dimensions. To ensure proper scaling of the graphics, we printed them at actual size and made meticulous adjustments before finalizing the design.
We started by exploring various graphic design concepts for the bag. To accommodate sizes ranging from S to XXL, we evaluated and selected two bag dimensions. To ensure proper scaling of the graphics, we printed them at actual size and made meticulous adjustments before finalizing the design.

Core Hangtag & Labels
The hangtag and labels are designed to include essential information, such as:
The hangtag and labels are designed to include essential information, such as:
1. Brand details
2. Fabric composition
3. Size specifications
4. Care instruction
5. Manufacturer information
6. An informative element detailing how to access the Circle Platform
2. Fabric composition
3. Size specifications
4. Care instruction
5. Manufacturer information
6. An informative element detailing how to access the Circle Platform
Once the required content was defined, we conducted extensive graphic explorations and created full-scale prototypes to ensure the tags achieved the desired aesthetic and functional qualities.

Final Results - Store Opening Day